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Am I quoting for a Mini or a Rolls Royce?

It's an odd question you may think but I am frequently asked for a 'ballpark' figure for the cost of researching a family tree. I never do quote a 'ballpark' figure because someone is going to be disappointed, either me…

Mapping your family history

Resources available to find out about your family past are becoming more and more popular on the internet. An American family social network website, FamilyLink, has recently partnered with Historic Map Works to provide the world's leading historical map collection…

BBC Radio 4 show: Tracing Your Roots

Tomorrow I will be listening to a show on BBC Radio 4 called Tracing Your Roots. It's the start of the fifth series that follows the practice of genealogy in the UK. Taken from the BBC Radio 4 website: "In…

Genealogy in the future

Whilst checking the latest news form across the web about genealogy this morning, I found a very interesting article. A new company called Inflection have made plans to build what has been described as 'a phonebook for the 21st century'.…

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