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Mapping your family history

Resources available to find out about your family past are becoming more and more popular on the internet.

An American family social network website, FamilyLink, has recently partnered with Historic Map Works to provide the world’s leading historical map collection to its 70 million users.

FamilyLink has 3.6 billion genealogy names and once the partnership with Historic Map Works has been implemented on the site, they plan to add more than 1.3 million maps and one million names to its collection.

You will be able to search for historic maps, including land ownership maps, using current addresses, farms, cities, businesses and even GPS coordinates. In addition to this, you can explore more than two million images of several hundred years of American development.

Once you find the historic map you are looking for, you have the ability to overlap it with new maps to see exactly where your ancestors lived. And if images are available of the area, you may have access to pictures of your ancestor’s houses, place of business and even grave stones.

This is a great resource for me to have at my finger tips as I offer my services not only to residents in the UK, but also in America and Australia.

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