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Genealogy in the future

Whilst checking the latest news form across the web about genealogy this morning, I found a very interesting article. A new company called Inflection have made plans to build what has been described as 'a phonebook for the 21st century'.…

A black sheep in your family history?

Researching family history can be a fascinating experience. Your ancestor’s life story could make you very proud – they could have been a well respected person in their community or they may well have even been the inventor of something…

Family History Boom blamed on TV

Family history is becoming increasingly popular here in the UK and many believe it's because of television shows like Who Do You Think You Are? - Sarah Jessica Parker being the latest star to appear in the hit BBC series. It's always interesting to find out about our past - where we come from, who we are. People enjoy digging up their family secrets and seeing if they have any interesting ancestors...

Study Shows Darwin’s Ancestors were Unhealthily Close

For such an important scientist you would have thought that Charles Darwin would have known better when it came to picking a mother for his children but his choice of partner may be the reason why three of his 10 children died so young: Darwin's wife was also his cousin...
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