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Oxford woman discovers she’s related to Alice in Wonderland

With this weekend’s eagerly anticipated release of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, the last thing an Oxford woman expected was to discover she is related to the inspiration behind the beloved children’s story.

According to the Oxford Mail, Lisa Liddell – who’s aged 38 and from Rose Hill – heard her family talk about the possibility that they could be linked to Alice Liddell, the little girl who inspired author Lewis Carroll to write the famous book in the 1860s.

Apparently, Lisa forgot all about the possible family tie until publicity surrounding Burton’s new film adaptation prompted a genealogist to research Alice’s original family tree. And she got a phone call which finally solved the family mystery.

In fact, Lisa discovered she is a cousin three times removed of the original Alice. Amazing!

Just think, all those rumours and speculations surrounding your own family tree could turn out to be true. If you’d like to find out about your own fascinating family history, fill out my contact form and I’ll be in touch to see if I can trace your own ancestors.

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